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АвторАвтор: admin | ДатаДата: 26-02-2023, 12:07

Четырехуровневый курс английского языка для молодежи. Содержит первый уровень (A1+).

Motivate! is a four-level course (A1-B1) which contains a wealth of material which is of genuine interest to young teenagers (10-14). Diversity is a key characteristic of today's increasingly international, multicultural and multilingual world, and classrooms these days are equally diverse. Motivate! reflects the wide range of different linguistic capabilities of students in the lower secondary stage in their school career, as well as their varied levels of experience and cultural awareness. Motivate! offers: graded language: Motivate! aims to teach students how to communicate effectively in English. So the presentation of language is always clear and practised thoroughly. Units are clearly structured and easy to follow. The introduction of new grammar and vocabulary is carefully graded, and all four skills are equally well covered recognition of mixed ability: Students begin their studies with different levels of language ability. Motivate! provides diagnostic tests to use before the course starts to help the teacher assess individual student needs. The Progress checks at the end of each unit help students to identify what they know or where they need to study more. The Vocabulary and Grammar guides provide a summary of work covered. In the Workbook the activities are clearly labelled for mixed ability, and in the Teacher's Book there is a wealth of suggestions for extra activities which cater for diversity. Assessment also takes mixed ability into consideration, with test and exams at three levels culture and CLIL: To encourage students to learn about the world around them, Motivate! includes texts and situations based on real contexts with specific cultural references. In addition, every unit contains a CLIL section which provides another way of motivating students and helping them to develop other areas of interest. CLIL also enables teachers to change the focus from learning English to learning about other subject areas through English basic competences: The course contents for Motivate! are designed to reflect the Council of Europe recommendations for the basic competences for lifelong learning. These are a combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes which young people in education are encouraged to acquire.
Upgrade to Turbo